Thursday, September 30, 2010

sunrises and selvedge

mornings embody inspiration for me.

recently I decided to wake up to see the sunrise. combining my love for quiet early mornings and beckoning waves of the pacific, I thought it a good idea to peel myself out of a warm bed before 6 am. initially when I received my wake up call I wasn't too impressed, but once I was finally out in the salted air I was very happy I
chose to do so. what incredible beauty.

also, holiday product is upon us already! woah. I can't believe I'm designing for Christmas already. does make me pretty excited. :)

thinking of holiday gifts, look at these sweet handmade soaps and little monster men. absolutely adore.

idea and image coming from my favorite/obsession (really not exaggerating here...): selvedge magazine. oh how I love this magazine. this will certainly not be the last time I blog about them....

look here for their how-to instructions to make these soaps, monsters and other wonderful crafts!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

artPrize and pick-me-up pies

artprize is making Grand Rapids feel alive.
it's stimulating watching the artists set up their pieces. on my run yesterday I saw so many different people working hard to put the last touches on their pieces...looking forward to checking them all out!

here are some fun projects I have been working on as of late...

{pick-me-up pies business cards}

this image is of some business cards that I made for a really cool company called Pick-Me-Up Pies. Ruth Lingbeek has recently started a pie company and I was delighted to help her out! If you ever need some delicious pies made, she is definitely the one to go to -- her pies are incredible!!

{personalized notecards}

this image is of custom notecards that I made for a wonderful client.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I love calligraphy.

the dipping of the ink.
the pressure of the nib.
the glide across the paper.
the flow of the wrist.
the slowing of pace.

it feels like painting.

this photo is of the 2010 Lief Design calendars that I calligraphed.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

sliced radishes

it's time to start a blog.

my hope behind this blog is to inspire.
I want to post ideas and images that I stumble upon that have made me stop, or at least slow down, and recognize the deeply beautiful. A visual journal of sorts.

so to start...sliced radishes.

I went to the market on Friday and somehow came home with radishes. I do love the spice that they bring, but aside from putting them in my salad I was a bit stumped with what to do with this lovely vegetable. so, when in doubt, bake! although they didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, I loved the way they decorated my parchment paper. I'm amazed by the vibrant colors that we can find naturally around us.